The Gender\Gender class

(PECL gender >= 0.6.0)


Class synopsis

classGender\Gender {
constintIS_FEMALE = 70;
constintIS_MALE = 77;
constintIS_MOSTLY_MALE = 109;
constintIS_A_COUPLE = 67;
constintERROR_IN_NAME = 69;
constintANY_COUNTRY = 0;
constintBRITAIN = 1;
constintIRELAND = 2;
constintUSA = 3;
constintSPAIN = 4;
constintPORTUGAL = 5;
constintITALY = 6;
constintMALTA = 7;
constintFRANCE = 8;
constintBELGIUM = 9;
constintLUXEMBOURG = 10;
constintNETHERLANDS = 11;
constintGERMANY = 12;
constintEAST_FRISIA = 13;
constintAUSTRIA = 14;
constintSWISS = 15;
constintICELAND = 16;
constintDENMARK = 17;
constintNORWAY = 18;
constintSWEDEN = 19;
constintFINLAND = 20;
constintESTONIA = 21;
constintLATVIA = 22;
constintLITHUANIA = 23;
constintPOLAND = 24;
constintCZECH_REP = 25;
constintSLOVAKIA = 26;
constintHUNGARY = 27;
constintROMANIA = 28;
constintBULGARIA = 29;
constintBOSNIA = 30;
constintCROATIA = 31;
constintKOSOVO = 32;
constintMACEDONIA = 33;
constintMONTENEGRO = 34;
constintSERBIA = 35;
constintSLOVENIA = 36;
constintALBANIA = 37;
constintGREECE = 38;
constintRUSSIA = 39;
constintBELARUS = 40;
constintMOLDOVA = 41;
constintUKRAINE = 42;
constintARMENIA = 43;
constintAZERBAIJAN = 44;
constintGEORGIA = 45;
constintKAZAKH_UZBEK = 46;
constintTURKEY = 47;
constintARABIA = 48;
constintISRAEL = 49;
constintCHINA = 50;
constintINDIA = 51;
constintJAPAN = 52;
constintKOREA = 53;
public__construct(string$dsn = ?)
publicconnect(string$dsn): bool
publiccountry(int$country): array|false
publicget(string$name, int$country = ?): int
publicisNick(string$name0, string$name1, int$country = ?): array
publicsimilarNames(string$name, int$country = ?): array

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