The LimitIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The LimitIterator class allows iteration over a limited subset of items in an Iterator.

Class synopsis

classLimitIteratorextendsIteratorIterator {
public__construct(Iterator$iterator, int$offset = 0, int$limit = -1)
publiccurrent(): mixed
publicgetPosition(): int
publickey(): mixed
publicnext(): void
publicrewind(): void
publicseek(int$offset): int
publicvalid(): bool


Example #1 LimitIterator usage example


// Create an iterator to be limited
$fruits = new ArrayIterator(array(

// Loop over first three fruits only
foreach (new LimitIterator($fruits, 0, 3) as $fruit) {


// Loop from third fruit until the end
// Note: offset starts from zero for apple
foreach (new LimitIterator($fruits, 2) as $fruit) {


The above example will output:

 string(5) "apple" string(6) "banana" string(6) "cherry" string(6) "cherry" string(6) "damson" string(10) "elderberry" 

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