The MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime class

(mongodb >=1.0.0)


Represents a » BSON date. The value is a 64-bit integer that represents the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970). Negative values represent dates before 1970.

Class synopsis

finalpublicjsonSerialize(): mixed
finalpublicserialize(): string
finalpublictoDateTime(): DateTime
finalpublic__toString(): string
finalpublicunserialize(string$data): void


PECL mongodb 1.12.0 Implements Stringable for PHP 8.0+.
PECL mongodb 1.3.0 Implements MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTimeInterface.
PECL mongodb 1.2.0 Implements Serializable and JsonSerializable.

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