
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

MultipleIterator::__constructConstructs a new MultipleIterator


publicMultipleIterator::__construct(int$flags = MultipleIterator::MIT_NEED_ALL | MultipleIterator::MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC)

Construct a new MultipleIterator.


Example #1 Iterating a MultipleIterator

= new ArrayIterator(array('John', 'Jane', 'Jack', 'Judy'));
$roles = new ArrayIterator(array('Developer', 'Scrum Master', 'Project Owner'));

$team = new MultipleIterator($flags);
$team->attachIterator($people, 'person');
$team->attachIterator($roles, 'role');

foreach (
$team as $member) {

Output with $flags = MIT_NEED_ALL|MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC

Array ( [0] => John [1] => Developer ) Array ( [0] => Jane [1] => Scrum Master ) Array ( [0] => Jack [1] => Project Owner )

Output with $flags = MIT_NEED_ANY|MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC

Array ( [0] => John [1] => Developer ) Array ( [0] => Jane [1] => Scrum Master ) Array ( [0] => Jack [1] => Project Owner ) Array ( [0] => Judy [1] => )

Output with $flags = MIT_NEED_ALL|MIT_KEYS_ASSOC

Array ( [person] => John [role] => Developer ) Array ( [person] => Jane [role] => Scrum Master ) Array ( [person] => Jack [role] => Project Owner )

Output with $flags = MIT_NEED_ANY|MIT_KEYS_ASSOC

Array ( [person] => John [role] => Developer ) Array ( [person] => Jane [role] => Scrum Master ) Array ( [person] => Jack [role] => Project Owner ) Array ( [person] => Judy [role] => )

See Also

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