
(PECL rnp >= 0.1.1)

rnp_op_encryptEncrypt message


    array$options = ?
): string|false



The FFI object returned by rnp_ffi_create.


Message to be encrypted.


Array with fingerprints of recipient's keys. At least one key must be present.


An associative array with options.

KeyData typeDescripción
"compression_alg"stringCompression algorithm. Both "compression_alg" and "compression_level" must be set in order to enable data compression.
"compression_level"integerCompression level, 0-9. 0 disables compression.
"armor"booleanEnable ASCII-armored output. Disabled by default.
"add_signature"booleanEncrypted message will be also signed.
"hash"stringSet hash algorithm used during signature calculation. "add_signature" option should be set to true
"creation_time"integerSet signature creation time in seconds since Jan, 1 1970 UTC. By default current time is used.
"expiration_time"integerSet signature expiration time in seconds since the creation time. 0 value is used to mark signature as non-expiring (default value).
"password"stringAdd password which is used to encrypt data.
"cipher"string Set symmetric encryption algorithm. Possible values are "IDEA", "TRIPLEDES", "CAST5", "BLOWFISH", "AES128", "AES192", "AES256", "TWOFISH", "CAMELLIA128", "CAMELLIA192", "CAMELLIA256", "SM4".
"aead"string Set AEAD mode algorithm. Possible values are "None" to disable AEAD, "EAX", "OCB".
"aead_bits"integerSet chunk length for AEAD mode via number of chunk size bits. Must be between 0 to 56.
"flags"integer Set additional encryption flags. Supported flags: RNP_ENCRYPT_NOWRAP - do not wrap the data in a literal data packet. This would allow to encrypt already signed data.
"file_name"stringSet the internally stored file name for the data being encrypted. Special value _CONSOLE may be used to mark message as 'for your eyes only', i.e. it should not be stored anywhere but only displayed to the receiver. Default is the empty string.
"file_mtime"integerSet input file modification date in seconds since Jan, 1 1970 UTC.

Valores devueltos

Encrypted data on success o false en caso de error.

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