
(wkhtmltox >= 0.1.0)

wkhtmltox\PDF\Object::__constructCreate a new PDF Object


publicwkhtmltox\PDF\Object::__construct(string$buffer, array$settings = ?)

Creates a new PDF Object from the given buffer and optional configuration settings





pageURL or path of the HTML to convert >= 0.1.0
useExternalLinksset true to convert external links in the input into external PDF links in the outputboolean>= 0.1.0
useLocalLinksset true to convert internal links in the input into internal PDF links in the outputboolean>= 0.1.0
produceFormsset true to turn HTML forms into PDF formsboolean>= 0.1.0
replacementsundocumented >= 0.1.0
includeInOutlineset true to include sections from this object in the outline and tocboolean>= 0.1.0
pagesCountset true to make page count in toc inclusive of the number of pages in this objectboolean>= 0.1.0
tocXslset to style sheet to convert this object into a toc object >= 0.1.0
toc.useDottedLinesset true to use dotted lines in tocboolean>= 0.1.0
toc.captionTextthe caption text for toc >= 0.1.0
toc.forwardLinksset true to create links from toc to contentboolean>= 0.1.0
toc.backLinksset true to create links from content to tocboolean>= 0.1.0
toc.indentationindentation for toc2em>= 0.1.0
toc.fontScalethe factor to scale down the font at every toc level0.8>= 0.1.0
header.fontSizefont size for use in header13>= 0.1.0
header.fontNamename of font for use in headertimes>= 0.1.0
header.lefttext for left of header >= 0.1.0
header.centertext for center of header >= 0.1.0
header.righttext for right of header >= 0.1.0
header.lineenable or disable horizontal rule under headerboolean>= 0.1.0
header.spacingspace between header and content1.8>= 0.1.0
header.htmlUrlURL or path of HTML to use in header >= 0.1.0
footer.fontSizefont size for use in footer13>= 0.1.0
footer.fontNamename of font for use in footertimes>= 0.1.0
footer.lefttext for left of footer >= 0.1.0
footer.centertext for center of footer >= 0.1.0
footer.righttext for right of footer >= 0.1.0
footer.lineenable or disable horizontal rule under footerboolean>= 0.1.0
footer.spacingspace between footer and content1.8>= 0.1.0
footer.htmlUrlURL or path of HTML to use in footer >= 0.1.0
load.usernameuser name to use when loging into a websitebart>= 0.1.0
load.passwordthe password to used when logging into a websiteelbarto>= 0.1.0
load.jsdelaythe amount of time in milliseconds to wait after a page is loaded until it is captured1200>= 0.1.0
load.zoomFactorhow much zoom should be applied to the content2.2>= 0.1.0
load.customHeaderscustom headers to send when requesting the main web page >= 0.1.0
load.repertCustomHeadersset true to send with all requestsboolean>= 0.1.0
load.cookiescookie string to send when requesting the main web page >= 0.1.0
load.postpost string to send when requesting the main web page >= 0.1.0
load.blockLocalFileAccessdisallow local and piped files to access other local filesboolean>= 0.1.0
load.stopSlowScriptstop slow running javascriptboolean 
load.debugJavascriptallow javascript to raise warningsboolean>= 0.1.0
load.loadErrorHandlingset error handling strategy
abortabort the convertion process
skipdo not add the object to the final output
ignoretry to add the object to the final output
>= 0.1.0
load.proxy  >= 0.1.0
web.backgroundinclude background image in outputboolean>= 0.1.0
web.loadImagesinclude images in outputboolean>= 0.1.0
web.enableJavascriptenable or disable javascriptboolean>= 0.1.0
web.enableIntelligentShrinkingenable to attempt to fit more content on page, only applies to PDF outputboolean>= 0.1.0
web.minimumFontSizethe minimum font size allowed9>= 0.1.0
web.printMediaTypeprint content using print media type instead of screen media typeboolean>= 0.1.0
web.defaultEncodingcontent to use where no encoding is specifiedutf-8>= 0.1.0
web.userStyleSheetURL or path to a user specified style sheet/path/to/style.css>= 0.1.0
web.enablePluginsenable or disable NS pluginsboolean>= 0.1.0
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