The PriorityQueue class

(PECL ds >= 1.0.0)


A PriorityQueue is very similar to a Queue. Values are pushed into the queue with an assigned priority, and the value with the highest priority will always be at the front of the queue.

Implemented using a max heap.


"First in, first out" ordering is preserved for values with the same priority.


Iterating over a PriorityQueue is destructive, equivalent to successive pop operations until the queue is empty.

Synopsis de la classe

classDs\PriorityQueueimplementsDs\Collection {
constintMIN_CAPACITY = 8;
publicallocate(int$capacity): void
publiccapacity(): int
publicclear(): void
publicisEmpty(): bool
publicpeek(): mixed
publicpop(): mixed
publicpush(mixed$value, int$priority): void
publictoArray(): array

Constantes pré-définies



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