
(wkhtmltox >= 0.1.0)

wkhtmltox\PDF\Converter::__constructCreate a new PDF converter


publicwkhtmltox\PDF\Converter::__construct(array$settings = ?)

Creates a PDF converter, using optional configuration settings



size.pageSizepaper size of output documentA4>= 0.1.0
size.widthwith of the output document210mm>= 0.1.0
size.heightheight of the output document297mm>= 0.1.0
orientationorientation of the output document
>= 0.1.0
colorModecolor mode of the output document
>= 0.1.0
resolutionresoluition of the output documentmost likely has no effect>= 0.1.0
dpidpi to use while printing80>= 0.1.0
pageOffsetinteger added to page numbers generating headers, footers, and toc >= 0.1.0
copies  >= 0.1.0
collatecollate copiesboolean>= 0.1.0
outlinegenerate PDF outlineboolean>= 0.1.0
outlineDepthmaximum depth of outline >= 0.1.0
dumpOutlinepath of file to dump outline XML >= 0.1.0
outpath of output file, if "-" stdout is used >= 0.1.0
documentTitletitle for the output document >= 0.1.0
useCompressionenable or disable lossless compressionboolean>= 0.1.0
margin.topsize of the top margin2cm>= 0.1.0
margin.bottomsize of the bottom margin2cm>= 0.1.0
margin.leftsize of the left margin2cm>= 0.1.0
margin.rightsize of the right margin2cm>= 0.1.0
imageDPImaximum DPI for images in the output document >= 0.1.0
imageQualitythe jpeg compression factor for images in the output document94>= 0.1.0
load.cookieJarpath of file used to load and store cookies/tmp/cookies.txt>= 0.1.0
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