The ArrayObject class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


This class allows objects to work as arrays.

Sınıf Sözdizimi

classArrayObjectimplementsIteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Serializable, Countable {
public__construct(array|object$array = [], int$flags = 0, string$iteratorClass = ArrayIterator::class)
publicappend(mixed$value): void
publicasort(int$flags = SORT_REGULAR): true
publiccount(): int
publicgetFlags(): int
publicksort(int$flags = SORT_REGULAR): true
publicnatcasesort(): true
publicnatsort(): true
publicoffsetExists(mixed$key): bool
publicoffsetGet(mixed$key): mixed
publicoffsetSet(mixed$key, mixed$value): void
publicoffsetUnset(mixed$key): void
publicserialize(): string
publicsetFlags(int$flags): void
publicsetIteratorClass(string$iteratorClass): void
publicuasort(callable$callback): true
publicuksort(callable$callback): true
publicunserialize(string$data): void

Öntanımlı Sabitler

ArrayObject Flags


Properties of the object have their normal functionality when accessed as list (var_dump(), foreach, etc.).


Entries can be accessed as properties (read and write). The ArrayObject class uses its own logic to access properties, thus no warning or error is raised when trying to read or write dynamic properties.


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