The DateInvalidOperationException class

(PHP 8 >= 8.3.0)


Thrown by DateTimeImmutable::sub() and DateTime::sub() when an unsupported operation is attempted.

An example of such an unsupported operation is using a DateInterval object representing relative time specifications such as next weekday, as no logical reversed statement can be constructed.

Sınıf Sözdizimi

classDateInvalidOperationExceptionextendsDateException {
protectedstring$message = "";
privatestring$string = "";
protectedstring$file = "";
privatearray$trace = [];
private?Throwable$previous = null;
publicException::__construct(string$message = "", int$code = 0, ?Throwable$previous = null)
finalpublicException::getCode(): int
finalpublicException::getLine(): int
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