The SimdJsonValueError class

(PECL simdjson >= 3.0.0)


A SimdJsonValueError is thrown when the type of an argument to a function from simdjson is correct but the value of it is incorrect. E.g. when the JSON decoding $depth is not positive or the $depth is too large.

Sınıf Sözdizimi

classSimdJsonValueErrorextendsValueError {
protectedstring$message = "";
privatestring$string = "";
protectedstring$file = "";
privatearray$trace = [];
private?Throwable$previous = null;
finalpublicError::getCode(): int
finalpublicError::getFile(): string
finalpublicError::getLine(): int
finalpublicError::getTrace(): array

Sürüm Bilgisi

Sürüm: Açıklama
PHP 8.0.0SimdJsonValueError extends ValueError now instead of Error.
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