
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

gd_infoRetrieve information about the currently installed GD library


gd_info(): array

Gets information about the version and capabilities of the installed GD library.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns an associative array.

Elements of array returned by gd_info()
GD Versionstring value describing the installed libgd version.
FreeType Supportbool value. true if FreeType Support is installed.
FreeType Linkagestring value describing the way in which FreeType was linked. Expected values are: 'with freetype', 'with TTF library', and 'with unknown library'. This element will only be defined if FreeType Support evaluated to true.
GIF Read Supportbool value. true if support for readingGIF images is included.
GIF Create Supportbool value. true if support for creatingGIF images is included.
JPEG Supportbool value. true if JPEG support is included.
PNG Supportbool value. true if PNG support is included.
WBMP Supportbool value. true if WBMP support is included.
XBM Supportbool value. true if XBM support is included.
WebP Supportbool value. true if WebP support is included.
AVIF Supportbool value. true if AVIF support is included. Available as of PHP 8.1.0.


Example #1 Using gd_info()


The above example will output something similar to:

array(10) { ["GD Version"]=> string(24) "bundled (2.1.0 compatible)" ["FreeType Support"]=> bool(false) ["GIF Read Support"]=> bool(true) ["GIF Create Support"]=> bool(false) ["JPEG Support"]=> bool(false) ["PNG Support"]=> bool(true) ["WBMP Support"]=> bool(true) ["XBM Support"]=> bool(false) ["WebP Support"]=> bool(false) ["AVIF Support"]=> bool(false) }

See Also

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